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Global Linkage

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Global Linkage

Collaboration with Industries and Academic Institutions of Higher Learning are wide-reaching for skills development (education and training), the generation, acquisition and adoption of knowledge (innovation and technology transfer) and the promotion of entrepreneurship (start-ups).

Being a leading Institution in the region, it is extremely important to be connected with global network of Industries and Academic Institutions for enhancement of the competence of students and faculty members. PMC TECH maintained strong associations with various National and Multinational Companies, Educational and Research Institutions by entering into Memorandum of Understanding.

Our Institution, dedicated to the advancement of the knowledge and practice of professions through developing, supporting, regulating and promoting professional standards for technical and ethical competence. The presence of Professional Bodies and their regular activities showcases the college on global arena as these are crucial to engineering education.

IEEE Student Branch (STB16611)

Our IEEE Student Branch gives the opportunity to meet and learn from fellow students, as well as faculty members and professionals in the field. An active IEEE Student Branch is one of the most positive elements in a department offering programs in IEEE designated fields of Engineering.

IEEE activity report 2016
IEEE activity report 2015
IEEE activity report 2014