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Home / Artificial Intelligence and Data Science


Artificial Intelligence and Data Science is a new branch of study that deals with scientific methodologies, processes, and techniques drawn from different domains like statistics, cognitive science, and computing and information science to extract knowledge from structured data and unstructured data.

This knowledge is applied in making various intelligent decisions in business applications. Artificial Intelligence and data science engineering focus on collect ing, categorizing, strategizing, analyzing and interpreting data. It is a specialized branch that deals with the development of data-driven solutions, data visualization tools and techniques to analyze big data. It also incorporates the concepts of machine learning and deep learning model building for solving various computational and real-world problems.

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 Envisions Graduates with profound Data Science skills and knowledge in the heterogeneous domains through Artificial Intelligence with innovative thinking for entrepreneurial, career and societal needs.


  To prepare students with intensely conversant in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science and to learn application knowledge in the emerging field.

  To nurture engineers who can work on AI problems across multi-domains, including Agriculture, Healthcare, Industrial Automation, Robotics, and Autonomous Vehicles.

  To update the students in the areas of emerging Artificial Intelligence technologies.